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{{TabellRad|125|30|[[Víctor Valdés]]|[[titan_sable]]|[[mohansa]]}}
{{TabellRad|125|30|[[Víctor Valdés]]|[[titan_sable]]|[[mohansa]]}}
{{TabellRad|125|31|[[Jocelyn Wildenstein]]|[[mohansa]]|[[grock19]]}}
{{TabellRad|125|31|[[Jocelyn Wildenstein]]|[[mohansa]]|[[grock19]]}}
{{TabellRad|125|32|[[Heinrich Graf zu Dohna-Schlobitten]]|[[grock19]]|[[Canucks]]}}

Revision as of 17:28, 27 January 2015

Historiske Fjes 125 - Napoleon og Sommerøl


Kopi av tråd 125

54 oppgaver, 1417 innlegg, 15 poengtagere.

Startet av: titan_sable 26.05.09 14:26

Vunnet av: biermann, slutt 28.05.09 21:23


10: biermann
8: titan_sable
5: Boccherini
4: grock19, malvolio, mohansa
3: 1769, Coach, mito
2: Blitzabella, Canucks, Insane2, ziogan
1: Kalle73, vombat


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Johannes Liechtenauer titan_sable 1769
2 Béla IV of Hungary 1769 biermann
3 Thomas Hope (1769–1831) biermann Boccherini
4 Catherine Grand Boccherini biermann
5 Mary Ward (scientist) biermann grock19
6 Federico García Lorca grock19 Blitzabella
7 Charles-Martial Allemand-Lavigerie Blitzabella grock19
8 Arthur Guinness grock19 biermann
9 Scott Young (writer) biermann mito
10 Lucas Watzenrode mito Kalle73
11 Franciscus Patricius Kalle73 Insane2
12 Bob Clampett Insane2 titan_sable
13 Sable (wrestler) titan_sable grock19
14 John Jay O'Connor grock19 titan_sable
15 Nikolaj Sinebrychoff titan_sable biermann
16 Quentin Crisp biermann Coach
17 Jon Heder Coach Insane2
18 Moe Meguro Insane2 Coach
19 Vytenis Coach titan_sable
20 Josef Groll titan_sable biermann
21 Knud Bull biermann mito
22 Norman D. Vaughan mito titan_sable
23 Henry Darger titan_sable malvolio
24 Abdullah Afeef malvolio Boccherini
25 Masha Bruskina Boccherini biermann
26 Vilhelm Dahlerup biermann ziogan
27 Charles Robert Jenkins ziogan titan_sable
28 Charles Vance Millar titan_sable Canucks
29 Benjamin Grubin Canucks titan_sable
30 Víctor Valdés titan_sable mohansa
31 Jocelyn Wildenstein mohansa grock19
32 Heinrich Graf zu Dohna-Schlobitten grock19 Canucks
33 [[]] Canucks [[]]
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