Runde 126

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Historiske fjes 126

I runde 126 vant grock19 sin første rundeseier.

Kopi av tråd 126

46 oppgaver, 962 innlegg, 14 poengtagere.

Startet av: biermann 28.05.09 21:54

Vunnet av: grock19, slutt 31.05.09 17:19


10: grock19
9: titan_sable
5: 1769
3: Insane2, mito, mohansa, ziogan
2: Kalle73, malvolio, vombat
1: biermann, Blitzabella, Coach, JackFrost


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Kerry Wendell Thornley biermann Blitzabella
2 Venantius Fortunatus Blitzabella grock19
3 Giorgio Borġ Olivier grock19 1769
4 Jan Wężyk 1769 grock19
5 Sonia Sotomayor grock19 biermann
6 Maria Eufrosyne av Pfalz, Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie biermann mito
7 Shirley Phelps-Roper mito grock19
8 Elbridge Gerry grock19 1769
9 Christian IV av Danmark og Norge 1769 malvolio
10 Mika Waltari malvolio 1769
11 Karl I av Burgund 1769 titan_sable
12 René of Chalon titan_sable malvolio
13 Algernon Capell, 2nd Earl of Essex malvolio mohansa
14 Orion Clemens mohansa grock19
15 Lucien Kemarat grock19 ziogan
16 Jane Hading, Jacques Damala ziogan Vombat
17 Jack Erik Kjuus Vombat grock19
18 Joseph Rochefort grock19 Insane2
19 Gretchen Wilson Insane2 ziogan
20 Hinepare ziogan 1769
21 Sigismund III av Polen, Batu Khan 1769 grock19
22 Klaus Barbie grock19 1769
23 Frederick Richard Simms 1769 titan_sable
24 Anders Zorn titan_sable Kalle73
25 Thomas Ley Kalle73 titan_sable
26 Verner Panton titan_sable Vombat
27 Vidal Sassoon Vombat JackFrost
28 Charlie Rose JackFrost titan_sable
29 Edward Charles Allaway titan_sable grock19
30 Ricky van Wolfswinkel grock19 titan_sable
31 Robert Patrick (playwright) titan_sable grock19
32 William Cosby grock19 mito
33 Yolande Fox mito titan_sable
34 Guy Laliberté titan_sable Insane2
35 Bryanne Stewart Insane2 mohansa
36 Keiserinne Yan Ji mohansa grock19
37 John 'Pal' O'Connor grock19 titan_sable
38 Lisa Crystal Carver titan_sable mohansa
39 Theresa Elmendorf mohansa mito
40 Bruce McCandless II mito titan_sable
41 Roi Vaara titan_sable ziogan
42 Emily Robison ziogan titan_sable
43 Jack Owen Spillman titan_sable Kalle73
44 Jaap Eden Kalle73 Coach
45 Anni Friesinger-Postma Coach Insane2
46 Hugh Cross Insane2 grock19
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