Runde 118

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Historiske fjes 118

Kopi av tråd 118

39 oppgaver, 994 innlegg.

Startet av: titan_sable 03.05.09 15:59

Vunnet av: titan_sable, slutt 05.05.09 10:33


10: titan_sable
4: 1769, Coach, mohansa, ziogan
3: Insane2
2: biermann, Canucks, grock19
1: Boccherini, Kalle73, malvolio, mito


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Jan Łukasiewicz titan_sable Canucks
2 William Townley Canucks Coach
3 Heinrich Böll Coach Canucks
4 Bronius Povilaitis Canucks grock19
5 Runhild Gammelsæter grock19 mohansa
6 Wilson Kirwa mohansa 1769
7 Milo of Croton 1769 titan_sable
8 Khalid Hussain titan_sable Coach
9 Jimmy Moody Coach Insane2
10 Arly Karlsen Insane2 titan_sable
11 Angela McMillan titan_sable Coach
12 Earl W. Bascom Coach titan_sable
13 Lawrence Ferlinghetti titan_sable mohansa
14 Danny Lipford mohansa titan_sable
15 Archibald Hall titan_sable mohansa
16 Thomas Ilenda Touzayamoko mohansa Coach
17 Jevgenij Malkin Coach titan_sable
18 Leon Klinghoffer titan_sable 1769
19 Alarik II 1769 biermann
20 Rolf Stenersen biermann 1769
21 Tiberius Gracchus, Gaius Gracchus 1769 titan_sable
22 Pierre Beaumarchais titan_sable biermann
23 Bernard Herrmann biermann Insane2
24 André-Marie Ampère Insane2 ziogan
25 Virginie Amélie Avegno Gautreau ziogan Boccherini
26 Heinrich Müller (Gestapo) Boccherini malvolio
27 Kroger Babb malvolio Insane2
28 Eagle of Delight Insane2 ziogan
29 Lily Elsie ziogan grock19
30 Gary Skoien grock19 titan_sable
31 Radclyffe Hall titan_sable 1769
32 Endicott Peabody (educator) 1769 mohansa
33 Arnaud Montebourg mohansa titan_sable
34 Janet Reno titan_sable ziogan
35 John Fr. Nilsén, Peter Dunk, Lars Jacob ziogan Kalle73
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