Runde 189

From Historiske Fjes
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Historiske fjes 189, In the days of the Republic

Republic of Rome.jpg

Kopi av tråd 189

52 oppgaver, 1189 innlegg, 12 poengtagere.

Startet av: 1769 24.10.09 20:07

Vunnet av: Artaxerxes, slutt 26.10.09 23:42


10: Artaxerxes
7: 1769, titan_sable
6: grock19
5: biermann, Coach
3: Insane2, Kalle73
2: Boccherini, rocket147
1: malvolio, Plissken


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Marcus Junius Brutus, Lucius Junius Brutus 1769 Plissken
2 George Vernon Hudson mito Insane2
3 Vitellius Plissken Coach
4 Tanja Poutiainen Coach rocket147
5 Jennifer Capriati rocket147 Coach
6 James Ohlen Coach 1769
7 Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud, Marguerite-Élie Guadet, Armand Gensonné 1769 biermann
8 Johan Scharffenberg biermann 1769
9 Paolo Lucio Anafesto 1769 Artaxerxes
10 Lucius Papirius Cursor Artaxerxes ziogan
11 Gerda Grepp ziogan Artaxerxes
12 Guillaume Cale, Wat Tyler Artaxerxes Coach
13 Francesco Mussoni, Saint Marinus, Stefano Palmieri Coach 1769
14 Eugen Leviné 1769 grock19
15 Robert B. Oakley grock19 titan_sable
16 Ingvar Kamprad titan_sable Kalle73
17 Ole Søltoft Kalle73 Artaxerxes
18 Leonid Bresjnev Artaxerxes titan_sable
19 Nick Borgen, Kirka titan_sable Kalle73
20 Maria McKee Kalle73 rocket147
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