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{{TabellRad|584|43|[[David Animle Hansen]]|[[professordrøvel]]|[[titan_sable]]}}
{{TabellRad|584|43|[[David Animle Hansen]]|[[professordrøvel]]|[[titan_sable]]}}
{{TabellRad|584|44|[[Jonas Hanway]]|[[titan_sable]]|[[rocket147]]}}
{{TabellRad|584|44|[[Jonas Hanway]]|[[titan_sable]]|[[rocket147]]}}
{{TabellRad|584|45|[[Alfred Lewis Jones]]|[[rocket147]]|[[professordrøvel]]}}

Revision as of 07:15, 2 October 2013

HF 584 - Don't Forget Your Old Shipmates

Trådtittelen er tittelen på en gammel sjømannsvise som ble sunget av britiske sjømenn under Napoleonskrigene:

Oftentimes have we laid out, toil nor danger fearing,
Tugging out the flapping sail to the weather earring.

Long we've tossed on the rolling main, now we're safe ashore, Jack.
Don't forget yer old shipmate, faldee raldee raldee raldee rye-eye-doe!

But the best of friends must part, fair or foul the weather.
Hand yer flipper for a shake, now a drink together.

Long we've tossed on the rolling main, now we're safe ashore, Jack.
Don't forget yer old shipmate, faldee raldee raldee raldee rye-eye-doe!

Kopi av tråd 584

?? oppgaver, ?? innlegg, ?? poengtagere.

Startet av: Boccherini 26.09.13 20:20

Vunnet av: ??, slutt ??




Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 James Saumarez, 1st Baron de Saumarez Boccherini professordrøvel
2 Erik Bye professordrøvel Boccherini
3 David Warner (actor) Boccherini Artaxerxes
4 Anne Hilarion de Tourville, Bernardin Gigault de Bellefonds, Jakob II av England
Artaxerxes 1769
5 Köprülü Fazıl Ahmed Pasha 1769 djsturm
6 Nils-Olof Franzén djsturm Artaxerxes
7 Frederick Marryat Artaxerxes professordrøvel
8 Arve Opsahl professordrøvel fisto
9 Peter Finch, Michael Jayston fisto Artaxerxes
10 Hanno sjøfareren Artaxerxes Kalle73
11 George Nares Kalle73 fisto
12 Henry Hudson fisto titan_sable
13 Sven Yrvind titan_sable fisto
14 Aleksandr Koltsjak fisto professordrøvel
15 Erik Gabrielsson Emporagrius professordrøvel 1769
16 David Mitchell (Royal Navy officer) 1769 titan_sable
17 Rustichello av Pisa titan_sable Boccherini
18 Eliab Harvey Boccherini 1769
19 William Hutcheon Hall 1769 Boccherini
20 Jean Bart Boccherini 1769
21 René Duguay-Trouin 1769 Boccherini
22 John Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher Boccherini malvolio
23 Richard Grenville, Humphrey Frobisher, Martin Frobisher, Francis Drake, Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham malvolio Boccherini
24 Georg Johannes von Trapp Boccherini 1769
25 Thomas Tew, Benjamin Fletcher 1769 Boccherini
26 Samuel Greig Boccherini rocket147
27 Johan Anker, Nini Roll Anker rocket147 professordrøvel
28 Anders Vangen professordrøvel rocket147
29 Yafet Askale rocket147 fisto
30 Robert Peary, Josephine Diebitsch Peary fisto professordrøvel
31 Claude de Forbin professordrøvel Artaxerxes
32 Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald, John D. Bulkeley Artaxerxes Boccherini
33 Blas de Lezo Boccherini Artaxerxes
34 Charles John Napier, Charles James Napier Artaxerxes Boccherini
35 Kurt Aßmann Boccherini 1769
36 George Dewey, Patricio Montojo 1769 professordrøvel
37 Henry Thatcher professordrøvel 1769
38 Andrés Reggio, Sir Charles Knowles, 1st Baronet 1769 Artaxerxes
39 Sextus Pompeius, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa Artaxerxes fisto
40 Cheesman Henry Binstead fisto Boccherini
41 Stephen Decatur Boccherini rocket147
42 Gotfried Otto rocket147 professordrøvel
43 David Animle Hansen professordrøvel titan_sable
44 Jonas Hanway titan_sable rocket147
45 Alfred Lewis Jones rocket147 professordrøvel
46 [[]] professordrøvel [[]]
47 [[]] [[]] [[]]
48 [[]] [[]] [[]]
49 [[]] [[]] [[]]
50 [[]] [[]] [[]]
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