Runde 440

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HF440 - The Female of the Species

Trådtittelen er hentet fra et dikt ved samme navn av Rudyard Kipling fra 1911:

She who faces death by torture
for each life beneath her breast
May not deal in doubt or pity -
must not swerve for fact or jest.
These be purely male diversions

So it comes that Man, the coward,
when he gathers to confer
With his fellow braves in council,
dare not leave a place for her
Where, at war with Life and Conscience,
he uplifts his erring hands
To some God of Abstract Justice -
which no woman understands.

And Man knows it! Knows, moreover,
that the Woman that God gave him
Must command but may not govern -
shall enthral but not enslave him.
And She knows, because she warns him,
and her Instincts never fail;
That the Female of the Species
is more deadly than the Male.

Kopi av tråd 440

44 oppgaver, 812 innlegg, 11 poengtagere.

Startet av: Artaxerxes 28.11.11 09:53

Vunnet av: Artaxerxes, slutt 01.12.11 22:50


10: Artaxerxes
8: Peaceandloveandrocknroll
5: biermann
4: 1769, lucky, professordrøvel, rocket147
2: djsturm
1: Brumlebassenn, fisto, titan_sable


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Leila Khaled Artaxerxes Peaceandloveandrocknroll
2 Sara Christian Peaceandloveandrocknroll rocket147
3 Ziba Ganiyeva rocket147 biermann
4 Jemima Nicholas biermann Artaxerxes
5 Jeanne Hachette Artaxerxes rocket147
6 Olga Baclanova rocket147 lucky
7 Wafa al Bass lucky Peaceandloveandrocknroll
8 Agent 355 Peaceandloveandrocknroll Artaxerxes
9 Giustina Rossi Artaxerxes lucky
10 Nancy Harkness Love lucky rocket147
11 Ray Lamphere rocket147 Brumlebassenn
12 Jade Raymond Brumlebassenn lucky
13 Teymur Bakhtiar lucky biermann
14 Sylvia Robinson biermann fisto
15 Rudyard Kipling fisto biermann
16 Lucy Hobbs Taylor biermann Peaceandloveandrocknroll
17 Mary Seacole Peaceandloveandrocknroll rocket147
18 Calamity Jane rocket147 Peaceandloveandrocknroll
19 Patti Smith, Robert Mapplethorpe Peaceandloveandrocknroll biermann
20 Haydée Tamara Bunke Bider biermann titan_sable
21 Tamerlan Thorell titan_sable 1769
22 Marie Curie 1769 Artaxerxes
23 Inés de Suárez Artaxerxes professordrøvel
24 Isser Harel professordrøvel biermann
25 Niels Ryberg Finsen biermann 1769
26 Zehra Aylin, Rukiye Erkin, Sabiha Gökçen 1769 professordrøvel
27 Bertel Thorvaldsen professordrøvel Artaxerxes
28 Fredegund Artaxerxes 1769
29 Æthelflæd 1769 professordrøvel
30 Barry McGee Peaceandloveandrocknroll djsturm
31 Lena Headey djsturm Artaxerxes
32 Hildegard Mende Artaxerxes djsturm
33 Pauline Wayne djsturm Peaceandloveandrocknroll
34 Teodor Runsiö, Lasse-Maja, Mathilda Grahn Peaceandloveandrocknroll Artaxerxes
35 Trieu Thi Trinh Artaxerxes Peaceandloveandrocknroll
36 Isabella Colbran Peaceandloveandrocknroll 1769
37 Catherine Flannigan, Margaret Higgins 1769 Artaxerxes
38 Flora MacDonald Artaxerxes Peaceandloveandrocknroll
39 Viveca Serlachius Peaceandloveandrocknroll Artaxerxes
40 Micaela Bastidas Puyucahua, Bartolina Sisa Artaxerxes professordrøvel
41 Lisa Mayo, Gloria Miguel, Muriel Miguel professordrøvel Peaceandloveandrocknroll
42 Barbara Bel Geddes, Liz Mamana Peaceandloveandrocknroll Artaxerxes
43 Musidora, Theda Bara Artaxerxes lucky
44 Didier Marouani lucky Artaxerxes
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