Runde 110

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Historiske Fjes - 110 - Påskefjell vs. Fjesleting


Kopi av tråd 110

39 oppgaver, 991 innlegg, 8 poengtagere.

Startet av: Canucks 09.04.09 21:10

Vunnet av: Coach, slutt 13.04.09 01:49


10: Coach
9: Canucks
7: mohansa
6: titan_sable
3: Insane2
2: biermann
1: Kalle73, rocket147


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Judas Iskariot Canucks Coach
2 Erik Werenskiold Coach Canucks
3 Paul Gerhardt Canucks Insane2
4 Gene Autry Insane2 biermann
5 Arne Paasche Aasen biermann Canucks
6 William Henry Monk Canucks Coach
7 Ruben Enaje Coach Canucks
8 César-François Cassini de Thury Canucks Coach
9 Hank Snow Coach Insane2
10 Tod Browning Insane2 Coach
11 Joseph Pilates Coach titan_sable
12 Kari Mannerla titan_sable Coach
13 Colin Dexter Coach titan_sable
14 Jonathan Motzfeldt titan_sable Canucks
15 Ed Rosenthal Canucks Coach
16 Pierre Cauchon Coach titan_sable
17 Lewis Urry titan_sable Coach
18 Sylvain Vanholme, Raymond Vincent Coach biermann
19 Fritz Julius Kuhn biermann mohansa
20 Darick Robertson mohansa titan_sable
21 Jan-Erik Olsson titan_sable mohansa
22 Joseph Priestley mohansa titan_sable
23 Penn Jillette titan_sable Coach
24 Septimius Severus Coach Insane2
25 Alessandro Volta Insane2 mohansa
26 Ajaz Ahmed mohansa Canucks
27 Apostelen Paulus Canucks mohansa
28 Bridei I av pikterne mohansa Canucks
29 Giovanni Battista Morgagni Canucks mohansa
30 Isabel Ice mohansa Canucks
31 Carroll Cole Canucks mohansa
32 Raymond Edmunds mohansa Canucks
33 Arthur Sullivan Canucks mohansa
34 Comrade Artemio mohansa Canucks
35 Nicola Cabibbo Canucks Coach
36 Nandor Hamza Coach rocket147
37 Peter Carl Fabergé rocket147 titan_sable
38 Clarence Nash titan_sable Kalle73
39 Thomas Tellefsen Kalle73 Coach
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