Runde 205

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Kopi av tråd 205

63 oppgaver, 1411 innlegg, 15 poengtagere.

Startet av: 1769 27.12.09 13:56

Vunnet av: Canucks, slutt 04.01.10 21:10


10: Canucks
9: Coach
6: 1769, titan_sable
5: Insane2, rocket147
4: Hvale90, Kalle73
3: Artaxerxes, mohansa
2: Boccherini, mito, professordrøvel
1: grock19, X-nes


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 1769 Insane2
2 Henry V, Count of Luxembourg Insane2 mohansa
3 Horst Degen, Erich Topp, Hans-Joachim Schwantke mohansa Kalle73
4 Augustinus Johannessøn Sellevold Kalle73 Canucks
5 Santa Montefiore Canucks Hvale90
6 Nathan Kress Hvale90 Canucks
7 Charles Rudolph Walgreen Canucks mito
8 Mensen Ernst mito Kalle73
9 Tor-Erik Fossli Kalle73 rocket147
10 Jon Istad rocket147 Coach
11 Ikbal Ali Shah Coach rocket147
12 Paddy Reilly rocket147 Insane2
13 Nina Lizell Insane2 mohansa
14 Charles F. Erhart mohansa rocket147
15 Dirk Braun rocket147 Coach
16 Tahir Shah Coach Canucks
17 William Elvis Sloan Canucks mito
18 John Rolfe mito Canucks
19 Adolph Ochs Canucks titan_sable
20 Alice Paul titan_sable Canucks
21 Roderick Royal, Tony Petelos, Sonny Posey, Bobby Herndon, Walt Maddox Canucks titan_sable
22 Hans Christian Heg Canucks Coach
23 Idries Shah Coach Hvale90
24 Carolin Otterbein Hvale90 Canucks
25 Ross Winans Canucks Coach
26 Josef Wenzel Radetzky von Radetz, Johann Strauss d.e. Coach Canucks
27 Asgeir Dølplads Canucks Coach
28 Elvis Stojko Coach Canucks
29 Ahyee Aye Elvis Canucks Coach
30 Ethel Sargant Coach Canucks
31 Henry Lehman, James Lehman, Richard Lehman, Tom Lehman, Kristin Lehman, Jeffrey S. Lehman, Ernest Lehman, Jens Lehmann, Henry Lehmann, Inge Lehmann, Willi Lehmann, Lilli Lehmann, Harry Lehmann, Carl Ferdinand Friedrich Lehmann-Haupt Canucks Artaxerxes
32 Erich Wichert, Erich Mielke, Walter Ulbricht, Paul Anlauf, Franz Lenck, Magnus Heimannsberg, Bernhard Weiss, Albert Grzesinski Artaxerxes Coach
33 Hefaistion, Robert Guiscard, Robert de Sorbon, Kasimir IV av Polen, Leon Battista Alberti, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Miguel Ángel Moratinos Coach titan_sable
34 E. H. Shepard titan_sable Coach
35 Wesley Rose Coach Insane2
36 Hatuey Insane2 titan_sable
37 Gillis Bildt titan_sable Insane2
38 Johnny Htoo, Luther Htoo Insane2 titan_sable
39 Knut Gillis Bildt titan_sable Insane2
40 King Baggot Insane2 Coach
41 Junior Coghlan Coach grock19
42 Abraham Vereide, Bill Nelson, Tom Coburn, Joe Pitts, Bart Stupak grock19 Artaxerxes
43 Guillermo Stábile, Oldřich Nejedlý, Leônidas da Silva, Ademir de Menezes, Sándor Kocsis, Just Fontaine, Garrincha, Eusébio, Gerd Müller, Grzegorz Lato, Mario Kempes, Paolo Rossi, Gary Lineker, [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]] Artaxerxes [[]]
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