Runde 162

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Historiske fjes 162 - The Golden Age of Ballooning

Trådtittelen er hentet fra en episode av Monty Python's Flying Circus.

Kopi av tråd 162

45 oppgaver, 1041 innlegg, 10 poengtagere.

Startet av: titan_sable 30.08.09 05:30

Vunnet av: 1769, slutt 01.09.09 11:11


10: 1769
8: Boccherini
7: titan_sable
5: biermann, Insane2
3: Kalle73
2: Canucks, Coach, mohansa
1: malvolio


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Alexander Ivanovich Ostermann-Tolstoy titan_sable Canucks
2 Hubert Zemke Canucks mohansa
3 Bruno Manser mohansa 1769
4 John F. Reynolds, John Buford 1769 Kalle73
5 Thomas G. W. Settle, Chester L. Fordney Kalle73 Insane2
6 Kathy Mattea Insane2 biermann
7 John Paul Jones biermann titan_sable
8 Shuja-ud-Din Muhammad Khan titan_sable 1769
9 Straton fra Lampsakos 1769 mohansa
10 Tony Chapron mohansa biermann
11 Dwight York biermann Coach
12 Alberto Santos-Dumont Coach titan_sable
13 Lorenzo Ghiberti titan_sable Canucks
14 Ugolino della Gherardesca titan_sable Insane2
15 Konrāds Kalējs Insane2 Boccherini
16 Gaston Bonnier Boccherini 1769
17 Francisco Saavedra de Sangronis 1769 titan_sable
18 William Kidd titan_sable Kalle73
19 Vitellius Kalle73 Boccherini
20 Giuseppe Perrucchetti Boccherini titan_sable
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