Runde 114

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Historiske fjes 114

Kopi av tråd 114

44 oppgaver, 913 innlegg, 12 poengtagere.

Startet av: titan_sable 22.04.09 12:46

Vunnet av: Canucks, slutt 25.04.09 02:06


10: Canucks
6: mito
5: ziogan
4: biermann, Kalle73, mohansa, titan_sable
3: Insane2
1: 1769, Coach, malvolio, Svetac


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Linda Hazzard titan_sable mito
2 Charles Boycott mito Kalle73
3 Andrew Martinez Kalle73 titan_sable
4 Erkki Raatikainen titan_sable biermann
5 Ana de Mendoza, Princess of Eboli biermann Kalle73
6 Édouard Buguet Kalle73 malvolio
7 João I of Kongo malvolio biermann
8 Otto Witte biermann mohansa
9 Murray Hill (performer) mohansa biermann
10 Luther Martin biermann ziogan
11 Henri II d'Orléans, Duke of Longueville ziogan Kalle73
12 Countess of Ségur Kalle73 ziogan
13 Bólu-Hjálmar ziogan mito
14 Sidney Leslie Goodwin mito ziogan
15 Henry V. Graham, George Wallace ziogan mito
16 William Campion mito mohansa
17 Thomas Fairfax mohansa Coach
18 Catherine Doherty Coach Canucks
19 Jennifer Hedger Canucks mito
20 Bessos mito ziogan
21 Željko Ražnatović ziogan Canucks
22 Wilhelm Jordan (geodesist) Canucks mito
23 Joanna Hiffernan mito Canucks
24 Ante Pavelić Canucks Svetac
25 Ivan Šuker Svetac Canucks
26 Viktor Tikhonov Canucks biermann
27 Elizabeth McGrath biermann Canucks
28 Forbes George Vernon Canucks Insane2
29 Clémentine Delait Insane2 mohansa
30 James P. Moore, Jr. mohansa Canucks
31 Charles Edward Ringling Canucks mohansa
32 Apostelen Johannes mohansa Canucks
33 André Heller Canucks 1769
34 Antipope Felix V 1769 Canucks
35 Manuel Chrysoloras 1769 ziogan
36 Muslim ibn Aqeel ziogan titan_sable
37 Gunnar Nilsen titan_sable Insane2
38 Anders Celsius Insane2 titan_sable
39 Pompeo Posar titan_sable Canucks
40 W. C. E. Thomas Canucks Insane2
41 Georg Simon Ohm Insane2 titan_sable
42 Tomas Lundman titan_sable Kalle73
43 Ladislav Ščurko Kalle73 mito
44 George Costakis mito Canucks
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