Runde 617

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HF617 The metric system is the tool of the devil!

Trådtittelen er et sitat fra Abraham "Grampa" Simpson:

"The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it."
(Dette tilsvarer for øvrig ca. 12.000 liter på mila...)

Kopi av tråd 617

?? oppgaver, ?? innlegg, ?? poengtagere.

Startet av: Artaxerxes 20.03.14 08:58

Vunnet av: ??, slutt ??




Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Pierre Méchain Artaxerxes 1769
2 Louis Lefèvre‑Gineau, Giovanni Fabbroni 1769 Artaxerxes
3 Robert Skerne Artaxerxes ElvishPresley
4 Elijah Bond ElvishPresley Andropov
5 Peter H. Gilmore Andropov titan_sable
6 Morgan McLeod titan_sable Hvale90
7 Woland Hvale90 titan_sable
8 Alain Cuny titan_sable djsturm
9 Robert Bosch djsturm Boccherini
10 Colin Campbell, 1st Baron Clyde Boccherini Andropov
11 Engelbert Dollfuß Andropov Artaxerxes
12 Aleksandr Sergejevitsj Mensjikov, Mikhail Dmitrievich Gorchakov Artaxerxes Andropov
13 Jean-Julien Lemordant Andropov djsturm
14 Ambrose Bierce djsturm Kalle73
15 Matthias Buchinger Kalle73 Artaxerxes
16 Edward III av England, Alice Perrers Artaxerxes 1769
17 Beate Clausdatter Bille 1769 Artaxerxes
18 James Clerk Maxwell, William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin Artaxerxes 1769
19 Edgar av England 1769 Artaxerxes
20 Anders Celsius, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, William John Macquorn Rankine Artaxerxes 1769
21 Benjamin Bathurst (diplomat) 1769 Fokkeslasken77
22 Colin Fletcher Fokkeslasken77 Jaauda
23 Thaddeus Stevens Jaauda Andropov
24 Pompeiu Hărăşteanu Andropov Hvale90
25 Johan Hals Hvale90 professordrøvel
26 Balthasar av Wettin professordrøvel Artaxerxes
27 Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre, Pierre Méchain Artaxerxes rocket147
28 Andre Marriner rocket147 Boccherini
29 Nicolas de Largillière Boccherini rocket147
30 Blaise Pascal rocket147 Boccherini
31 Peter Ebdon Boccherini rocket147
32 Martin van Meytens rocket147 Boccherini
33 Titi Camara Boccherini professordrøvel
34 Rita Tori professordrøvel fisto
35 Ole Rømer fisto Andropov
36 Basil Blackwell Andropov 1769
37 Gottfried Reiche 1769 ElvishPresley
38 [[]] ElvishPresley [[]]
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