Runde 347

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HF - 347 - Mermaid sits on a Siwash Rock

Trådtittelen er hentet fra sangen Black Day in December av bandet Said the Whale fra Vancouver:
Mermaid sits on a Siwash Rock in the harbour
watching the children play
Every day, sun or rain
Old man kneels to the earth to pray
for the rain and the stars and the cars at the heart
A dark and windy Vancouver
A black day in December.

Kopi av tråd 347

38 oppgaver, 717 innlegg, 12 poengtagere.

Startet av: Canucks 02.02.11 01:00

Vunnet av: Artaxerxes, slutt 03.02.11 13:38


10: Artaxerxes
6: Canucks
4: Insane2
3: Boccherini, djsturm, lucky, titan_sable
2: rocket147
1: 1769, mohansa, mito, lyngunner


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