HF 170 - Blood! Death! War! Rumpy Pumpy! Triumph!
Trådtittelen er et sitat fra kong
Richard IV av
England i TV-serien
Blackadder, idet han uventet vender tilbake fra krigen mot tyrkerne:
- The King will not be returning. - WHAT? - Oh dear. - No, when McAngus last saw him, he was facing half the Turkish army, armed only with a small piece of cutlery. So, Percy, if you'd like to start things off... - The King is dead! Long live the King! The King is dead! Long live the King! - ...*probably* dead. - The King is probably dead! Long live the King! The King is probably dead! Long live the King! The King is ... NOT dead! Long live the King! - BLOOD! DEATH! WAR! RUMPY-PUMPY! TRIUMPH! - MCANGUS!!! My companion in blood, and most trusted friend! - You made it! - I made it, thanks to my trusty fruit knife!
Kopi av tråd 170
51 oppgaver, 915 innlegg, 11 oppgaver.
Startet av: titan_sable 16.09.09 12:57
Vunnet av: mito, slutt 18.09.09 11:35
10: mito
7: grock19
6: Boccherini, Canucks, Insane2
5: biermann, titan_sable
3: ziogan
1: 1769, Coach, rocket147