Runde 332

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HF332 wackoes and weirdoes and dingbats and dodoes

Trådtittelen er hentet fra en sang av Johnny Cash, :
One night I had a backstage pass to the Willie Nelson Show
There were wackos and weirdos and dingbats and dodos
And athletes and movie stars and David Allan Coe
There was leather and lace and every minority race
With a backstage pass to the Willie Nelson show

Kopi av tråd 332

36 oppgaver, 856 innlegg, 11 poengtagere.

Startet av: rocket147 16.12.10 00:05

Vunnet av: djsturm, slutt 19.12.10 16:17


10: djsturm
8: Artaxerxes
4: Brumlebassenn
3: Insane2
2: Coach, mohansa, rocket147, titan_sable
1: biermann, professordrøvel, vidar


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
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