Runde 653
Revision as of 00:48, 30 December 2014 by Artaxerxes (talk | contribs)
HF 653 - Too Much Learning Unbalances The Mind
Trådtittelen er et sitat fra romanen An Instance of the Fingerpost fra 1997, av den engelske forfatteren Iain Pears:
I have a theory that too much learning unbalances the mind. So much effort goes into squeezing in knowledge that there isn't enough room left over for common sense.
I have a theory that too much learning unbalances the mind. So much effort goes into squeezing in knowledge that there isn't enough room left over for common sense.
31 oppgaver, 468 innlegg, 9 poengtagere.
Startet av: djsturm 22.10.14 16:06
Vunnet av: Artaxerxes, slutt 27.10.14 12:27
10: Artaxerxes
7: ElvishPresley
4: 1769
3: djsturm, fisto
1: AntNebula, Jaauda, Kalle73, titan_sable