Runde 158

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Historiske fjes 158

Med seieren i runde 158 ble titan_sable den første fjesleteren til å vinne fem runder på rad!

Kopi av tråd 158

59 oppgaver, 1703 innlegg, 11 poengtagere.

Startet av: titan_sable 18.08.09 15:54

Vunnet av: titan_sable, slutt 24.08.09 20:57


10: titan_sable
9: 1769, biermann, grock19
6: Kalle73
5: Boccherini
4: mito
2: Coach, Insane2, mohansa
1: Sam_Vimes


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Anne Seymour, Duchess of Somerset titan_sable biermann
2 Damian de Veuster biermann mito
3 Atle Selberg mito biermann
4 Jacob den Danske biermann Insane2
5 Bjørn Talén Insane2 titan_sable
6 Ezekiel Tenywa Wako of Busoga titan_sable 1769
7 Patrick Sarsfield, 1st Earl of Lucan 1769 Kalle73
8 Steven Holl Kalle73 1769
9 Frank Coe 1769 Boccherini
10 Camille Saint-Saëns Boccherini biermann
11 Caroline of Brunswick biermann Boccherini
12 Diego de León, 1st Count of Belascoáin Boccherini biermann
13 Archibald Butt biermann Boccherini
14 Ottavio Piccolomini Boccherini 1769
15 Michael Joe Costello 1769 biermann
16 Thierry Gueorgiou biermann Sam_Vimes
17 Trey Hardee Sam_Vimes biermann
18 Raymond Steed biermann mohansa
19 Calvin Coolidge Jr. mohansa biermann
20 John Dowland biermann titan_sable
21 Boris Sheremetev titan_sable 1769
22 Alexandre Rey Colaço 1769 Kalle73
23 Francesco Scipione, marchese di Maffei Kalle73 1769
24 Henry James 1769 Insane2
25 A. P. Carter, Sara Carter, Maybelle Carter Insane2 titan_sable
26 Mary Bell titan_sable Kalle73
27 Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone Kalle73 biermann
28 Henry Molaison biermann titan_sable
29 Anna Alminova titan_sable Coach
30 Steffi Nerius Coach titan_sable
31 Gladys Tantaquidgeon titan_sable Coach
32 Yusuf Saad Kamel Coach titan_sable
33 Jesús A. Villamor titan_sable mohansa
34 Kimani Maruge mohansa 1769
35 Ann Marie Rios 1769 grock19
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