Runde 734
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HF734 - Laudandum, ornandum, tollendum

Trådtittelen er et sitat fra et brev fra Cicero til Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus i år 43 f.Kr., der han omtaler den unge Gaius Octavius slik:
Quod pro me non facio, id pro te facere amor meus in te tuaque officia cogunt, ut timeam; saepe enim mihi cum esset dictum neque a me contemptum, novissime Labeo Segulius, homo sui simillimus, narrat mihi apud Caesarem se fuisse multumque sermonem de te habitum esse; ipsum Caesarem nihil sane de te questum, nisi dictum quod diceret te dixisse, laudandum adolescentem, ornandum, tollendum; se non esse commissurum, ut tolli posset.
(What I do not do on my own account, my love for you and your kind services to me compel me to do on yours, and that is to fear. Though I had often been told the story, and had thought seriously of it, only the other day Labeo Segulius (and it is just like him) told me that he had been with Caesar, and there had been a deal of talk about you ; that Caesar himself had made no complaint at all about you, except as to the remark which he said you had made "that the young man should be praised, honoured, and immortalized" adding that he had no intention of allowing himself to be made immortal.)
Quod pro me non facio, id pro te facere amor meus in te tuaque officia cogunt, ut timeam; saepe enim mihi cum esset dictum neque a me contemptum, novissime Labeo Segulius, homo sui simillimus, narrat mihi apud Caesarem se fuisse multumque sermonem de te habitum esse; ipsum Caesarem nihil sane de te questum, nisi dictum quod diceret te dixisse, laudandum adolescentem, ornandum, tollendum; se non esse commissurum, ut tolli posset.
(What I do not do on my own account, my love for you and your kind services to me compel me to do on yours, and that is to fear. Though I had often been told the story, and had thought seriously of it, only the other day Labeo Segulius (and it is just like him) told me that he had been with Caesar, and there had been a deal of talk about you ; that Caesar himself had made no complaint at all about you, except as to the remark which he said you had made "that the young man should be praised, honoured, and immortalized" adding that he had no intention of allowing himself to be made immortal.)
?? oppgaver, ?? innlegg, ?? poengtagere.
Startet av: Artaxerxes 08.04.16 12:59
Vunnet av: ??, slutt ??
Oppgave | Løsning | Oppgavegiver | Oppgaveløser |
1 | Marcus Tullius Cicero, Augustus | Artaxerxes | 1769 |
2 | Lucius Sergius Catilina | 1769 | Artaxerxes |
3 | Sextus Roscius, Lucius Cornelius Chrysogonus | Artaxerxes | 1769 |
4 | Padre Cícero | 1769 | Artaxerxes |
5 | Marcus Tullius Tiro | Artaxerxes | 1769 |
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