Runde 198

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HF198 - The battle of Borodino and a Tiger's Bum!

Trådtittelen er hentet fra en Monty Python-sketsj om kranglevorne, overutdannede gruvearbeidere:

Foreman: I don't care who bloody started it. What's it about?
Second Miner: Well, he said the bloody Treaty of Utrecht was 1713.
First Miner: So it bloody is.
Second Miner: No it bloody isn't. It wasn't ratified 'til February 1714.
First Miner: He's bluffing. Your mind's gone, Jenkins. You're rubbish.
Foreman: He's right, Jenkins. It was ratified September 1713. The whole bloody pit knows that. Look in Trevelyan, page 468.
Third Miner: He's thinking of the Treaty of bloody Westphalia.
Second Miner: Are you saying I don't know the difference between the War of the bloody Spanish Succession and the Thirty bloody Years War?
Third Miner: You don't know the difference between the Battle of Borodino and a tiger's bum!

Kopi av tråd 198

48 oppgaver, 1251 innlegg, 12 poengtagere.

Startet av: Artaxerxes 16.11.09 21:31

Vunnet av: grock19, slutt 18.11.09 17:36


10: grock19
7: Insane2
6: titan_sable
5: Boccherini
4: biermann
3: Artaxerxes, rocket147, ziogan
2: 1769, Coach, SalvatoreVitale
1: djsturm


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
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