Runde 128

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Historiske fjes 128

Kopi av tråd 128

65 oppgaver, 1694 innlegg.

Startet av: 1769 03.06.09 09:42

Vunnet av: 1769, slutt 06.06.09 13:53


10: 1769
9: mohansa
8: biermann
7: Boccherini
5: Canucks, titan_sable
4: Insane2, mito
3: malvolio, ziogan
2: Blitzabella, Coach
1: lyngunner, rocket147, SalvatoreVitale


Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Charlotte Corday 1769 Boccherini
2 Alexander von Kluck Boccherini 1769
3 Johan Frederik Clemens 1769 biermann
4 Otto Gross biermann mohansa
5 Anton de Kom mohansa biermann
6 Falske Dmitrij I av Russland, Marina Mniszech biermann Boccherini
7 Margarete Himmler, Gudrun Burwitz Boccherini 1769
8 Karl Wilhelm Ramler 1769 mito
9 Marin Mersenne, Edson Smith mito biermann
10 Spike Jones biermann malvolio
11 Harootiun Vehabedian of Jerusalem malvolio 1769
12 Gaspard Gourgaud 1769 Boccherini
13 Gheorghe Asachi Boccherini malvolio
14 Johan Henrik Hästesko malvolio Blitzabella
15 Pavel Akselrod Blitzabella titan_sable
16 Reinhard Suhren titan_sable 1769
17 Theodore of Corsica 1769 titan_sable
18 Irv Robbins titan_sable 1769
19 Patrick Colquhoun 1769 titan_sable
20 Laszlo Toth titan_sable rocket147
21 William Copeland (brewer) rocket147 Canucks
22 Robin Söderling Canucks Coach
23 Georg Fredrik Fasting Coach mito
24 Bernhard Förster mito Coach
25 Dominika Cibulková Coach Boccherini
26 Otto Ernst Remer Boccherini mito
27 Zohra Daoud mito Boccherini
28 Hallam Tennyson, 2nd Baron Tennyson, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Emily Tennyson, Lady Tennyson, Lionel Tennyson Boccherini biermann
29 George Tiller biermann Insane2
30 Ralph Stanley Insane2 malvolio
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