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{{TabellRad|807|7|[[Ismail Ibn Sharif]]|[[ElvishPresley]]|[[Artaxerxes]]}}
{{TabellRad|807|7|[[Ismail Ibn Sharif]]|[[ElvishPresley]]|[[Artaxerxes]]}}
{{TabellRad|807|8|[[Aliqoli Mirza Qajar]]|[[Artaxerxes]]|[[Kalle73]]}}
{{TabellRad|807|8|[[Aliqoli Mirza Qajar]]|[[Artaxerxes]]|[[Kalle73]]}}
{{TabellRad|807|9|[[Augusta av Reuss-Ebersdorf]]|[[Kalle73]]|[[Artaxerxes]]}}

Revision as of 17:54, 20 November 2018

HF807 - Let copulation thrive!

Trådtittelen er et sitat fra skuespillet King Lear av William Shakespeare fra 1606:

Ay, every inch a king:
When I do stare, see how the subject quakes.
I pardon that man's life.
What was thy cause? Adultery?
Thou shalt not die: die for adultery! No:
The wren goes to 't, and the small gilded fly
Does lecher in my sight.
Let copulation thrive;
for Gloucester's bastard son
Was kinder to his father than my daughters
Got 'tween the lawful sheets.
To 't, luxury, pell-mell! for I lack soldiers.
Behold yond simpering dame,
Whose face between her forks presages snow;
That minces virtue, and does shake the head
To hear of pleasure's name;
The fitchew, nor the soiled horse, goes to 't
With a more riotous appetite.
Down from the waist they are Centaurs,
Though women all above:
But to the girdle do the gods inherit,
Beneath is all the fiends';
There's hell, there's darkness,
there's the sulphurous pit,
Burning, scalding, stench, consumption;
fie, fie, fie! pah, pah!
Give me an ounce of civet,
good apothecary, to sweeten my imagination:
there's money for thee.

Kopi av tråd 807

?? oppgaver, ?? innlegg, ?? poengtagere.

Startet av: Boccherini 19.11.18 10:44

Vunnet av: ??, slutt ??




Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Hector Berlioz, Niccolò Paganini Boccherini ElvishPresley
2 Henry Spencer Ashbee ElvishPresley 1769
3 Charles Lear 1769 gurglebassen
4 Irja Skabo gurglebassen 1769
5 Ovid 1769 Kalle73
6 Ivan Barkov Kalle73 ElvishPresley
7 Ismail Ibn Sharif ElvishPresley Artaxerxes
8 Aliqoli Mirza Qajar Artaxerxes Kalle73
9 Augusta av Reuss-Ebersdorf Kalle73 Artaxerxes
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