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{{TabellRad|787|17|[[Karl Ludwig von Phull]]|[[1769]]|[[Boccherini]]}}
{{TabellRad|787|17|[[Karl Ludwig von Phull]]|[[1769]]|[[Boccherini]]}}
{{TabellRad|787|18|[[Jurij Dolgorukij]]|[[Boccherini]]|[[1769]]}}
{{TabellRad|787|18|[[Jurij Dolgorukij]]|[[Boccherini]]|[[1769]]}}
{{TabellRad|787|19|[[Domenico Gilardi]]|[[1769]]|[[Boccherini]]}}

Revision as of 10:35, 7 February 2018

HF787 - Rule 1: Do not March on Moscow!

Trådtittelen er et sitat fra feltmarskalk Bernard Montgomery, som uttalte noe slikt ved minst to anledninger:

Rule 1, on page 1 of the book of war, is: "Do not march on Moscow". Various people have tried it, Napoleon and Hitler, and it is no good. That is the first rule. I do not know whether your Lordships will know Rule 2 of war. It is: "Do not go fighting with your land armies in China". It is a vast country, with no clearly defined objectives.
- House of Lords, 30. mai 1962

The United States has broken the second rule of war. That is: don't go fighting with your land army on the mainland in Asia. Rule One is, don't march on Moscow. I developed those two rules myself.
- New York Times, 3. juli 1968

Kopi av tråd 787

?? oppgaver, ?? innlegg, ?? poengtagere.

Startet av: Artaxerxes 02.02.18 14:01

Vunnet av: ??, slutt ??




Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Bernard Montgomery, Karl XII av Sverige, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler Artaxerxes Boccherini
2 Louis-Pierre Montbrun Boccherini 1769
3 Stanisław Żółkiewski 1769 Boccherini
4 Adolf Strauss Boccherini Artaxerxes
5 Wallace Shawn, Robin Wright Artaxerxes 1769
6 Karl XII av Sverige 1769 Canucks
7 Tokhtamysh Canucks Artaxerxes
8 Paul I Šubić of Bribir Artaxerxes djsturm
9 Alfred Graf von Waldersee djsturm Artaxerxes
10 Duan Qirui, Feng Guozhang Artaxerxes 1769
11 Tarasios of Constantinople 1769 Boccherini
12 Otto March Boccherini ElvishPresley
13 Vsevolod Meyerhold ElvishPresley Boccherini
14 Alberto Cavos Boccherini 1769
15 Bernard Montgomery 1769 ElvishPresley
16 Grigorij Neujmin ElvishPresley 1769
17 Karl Ludwig von Phull 1769 Boccherini
18 Jurij Dolgorukij Boccherini 1769
19 Domenico Gilardi 1769 Boccherini
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