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{{TabellRad|791|27|[[Quentin Hart]]|[[tartaglia2]]|[[Artaxerxes]]}}
{{TabellRad|791|27|[[Quentin Hart]]|[[tartaglia2]]|[[Artaxerxes]]}}
{{TabellRad|791|28|[[William II of Holland]]|[[Artaxerxes]]|[[Boccherini]]}}
{{TabellRad|791|28|[[William II of Holland]]|[[Artaxerxes]]|[[Boccherini]]}}
{{TabellRad|791|29|[[Stikkan Anderson]]|[[Boccherini]]|[[ElvishPresley]]}}
{{TabellRad|791|30|[[Jean-Baptiste Decoster (guide)|Jean-Baptiste Decoster]]|[[ElvishPresley]]|[[Boccherini]]}}

Revision as of 14:48, 20 April 2018

HF791 - At Waterloo, Quatre-Bras and Ligny too!

Trådtittelen er hentet fra et dikt av Hilaire Bellocs Cautionary Tales for Children (1907):

“Oh, Murder! What was that, Papa!”
“My child, It was a Motor-Car,
A Most Ingenious Toy!
Designed to Captivate and Charm
Much rather than to rouse Alarm
In any English Boy.

“What would your Great Grandfather who
Was Aide-de-Camp to General Brue,
And lost a leg at Waterloo,
And Quatre-Bras and Ligny too!
And died at Trafalgar! —

What would he have remarked to hear
His Young Descendant shriek with fear,
Because he happened to be near
A Harmless Motor-Car!
But do not fret about it! Come!
We’ll off to Town and purchase some!”

Kopi av tråd 791

?? oppgaver, ?? innlegg, ?? poengtagere.

Startet av: Artaxerxes 09.04.18 11:30

Vunnet av: ??, slutt ??




Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 G. K. Chesterton, Maurice Baring, Hilaire Belloc Artaxerxes malvolio
2 Tom Paxton malvolio rocket147
3 Jean Victor de Constant Rebecque rocket147 franzsigel
4 Jean Baptiste Antoine Marcellin de Marbot franzsigel ElvishPresley
5 Henry Paget, 5th Marquess of Anglesey ElvishPresley franzsigel
6 David G. Chandler franzsigel Boccherini
7 Louis Dumoulin Boccherini ElvishPresley
8 Edward Paget ElvishPresley franzsigel
9 Napoleon Bonaparte Buford franzsigel ElvishPresley
10 Antonie Waterloo ElvishPresley 1769
11 Pierre François Keraudren 1769 Andropov
12 Louis-Victor Baillot Andropov ElvishPresley
13 Arnaud du Tilh, Martin Guerre ElvishPresley 1769
14 Gérard Couronné, Florence Reuter, Philippe Leconte 1769 Boccherini
15 Louis Gustave le Doulcet, comte de Pontécoulant Boccherini ElvishPresley
16 John Rennie the Elder, Alfred W. Slzumper, Ray Davies ElvishPresley Artaxerxes
17 Katarina Frostenson, Jean-Claude Arnault Artaxerxes 1769
18 Jacques Defforey, Marcel Fournier, Denis Defforey 1769 Artaxerxes
19 Louis Pierre Louvel, Karl Ferdinand, hertug av Berry Artaxerxes 1769
20 Louis-Auguste-Victor, Count de Ghaisnes de Bourmont 1769 Artaxerxes
21 Wenceslaus I, Duke of Luxembourg, Joanna, Duchess of Brabant Artaxerxes 1769
22 Walter Dodde 1769 ElvishPresley
23 Basil Temple Blackwood ElvishPresley Boccherini
24 Heinrich Woldag Boccherini Artaxerxes
25 Nikita Petrovitsj Panin Artaxerxes 1769
26 Engelbert I of Nassau, Johanna van Polanen 1769 tartaglia2
27 Quentin Hart tartaglia2 Artaxerxes
28 William II of Holland Artaxerxes Boccherini
29 Stikkan Anderson Boccherini ElvishPresley
30 Jean-Baptiste Decoster ElvishPresley Boccherini
31 [[]] Boccherini [[]]
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