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{{TabellRad|623|9|[[Saadi Shirazi]]|[[Artaxerxes]]|[[Boccherini]]}}
{{TabellRad|623|9|[[Saadi Shirazi]]|[[Artaxerxes]]|[[Boccherini]]}}
{{TabellRad|623|10|[[James Barron]], [[Salusbury Pryce Humphreys]]|[[Boccherini]]|[[1769]]}}
{{TabellRad|623|10|[[James Barron]], [[Salusbury Pryce Humphreys]]|[[Boccherini]]|[[1769]]}}
{{TabellRad|623|11|[[Hiskia av Juda]]|[[1769]]|[[St14al3x]]}}
{{TabellRad|623|12|[[Ron Jans]]|[[St14al3x]]|[[Andropov]]}}
{{TabellRad|623|13|[[James Stewart]]|[[Andropov]]|[[malvolio]]}}

Revision as of 15:57, 26 April 2014

HF 623 - Do cats eat bats?

Trådtittelen er hentet fra boken "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" av Lewis Carroll fra 1865:

Down, down, down: there was nothing else to do, so Alice soon began talking again.
"Dinah will miss me very much tonight, I should think!" (Dinah was the cat.)
"I hope they'll remember her saucer of milk at tea-time! Oh, dear Dinah, I wish I had you here!
There are no mice in the air, I'm afraid, but you might catch a bat, and that's very like a mouse, you know, my dear.
But do cats eat bats, I wonder?"

And here Alice began to get rather sleepy, and kept on saying to herself, in a dreamy sort of way "do cats eat bats? do cats eat bats?" and sometimes, "do bats eat cats?" for, as she couldn't answer either question, it didn't much matter which way she put it.
She felt that she was dozing off, and had just begun to dream that she was walking hand in hand with Dinah, and was saying to her very earnestly,
"Now, Dinah, my dear, tell me the truth. Did you ever eat a bat?"
when suddenly, bump! bump! down she came upon a heap of sticks and shavings, and the fall was over.
Svaret på trådtittelens spørsmål er at katter av og til spiser flaggermus.

Kopi av tråd 623

?? oppgaver, ?? innlegg, ?? poengtagere.

Startet av: titan_sable 24.04.14 18:22

Vunnet av: ??, slutt ??




Oppgave Løsning Oppgavegiver Oppgaveløser
1 Fred the Undercover Kitty titan_sable Artaxerxes
2 Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Jr., Harrison Ruffin Tyler Artaxerxes St14al3x
3 Robert T. Paine (zoologist) St14al3x Andropov
4 Richard Baker (broadcaster) Andropov ElvishPresley
5 Alexander Gardner (soldier) ElvishPresley Kalle73
6 Mahadaji Shinde Kalle73 Andropov
7 Christian Barthelmess Andropov ElvishPresley
8 W. G. Grace ElvishPresley Artaxerxes
9 Saadi Shirazi Artaxerxes Boccherini
10 James Barron, Salusbury Pryce Humphreys Boccherini 1769
11 Hiskia av Juda 1769 St14al3x
12 Ron Jans St14al3x Andropov
13 James Stewart Andropov malvolio
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